
About Michelle Dumas

Michelle Dumas is the founder and CEO of Distinctive Career Services, one of the internet's longest-standing and most respected professional resume writing firms. Michelle is a 6X certified and 7X award-winning resume writer and career consultant. To learn more about the services offered by Distinctive Career Services visit https://www.distinctiveweb.com

3 Key Ways That Blogging Can Be Good For Your Career

Can blogging be good for your career? It is a question that you may never have considered before. But, think about it. What better way to improve and grow your personal brand and professional credibility and online presence than to start a blog? It

How to Become a Board Member to Enhance Your Executive Profile

Does the prospect of becoming a board member appeal to you? Business executives, whether currently employed or involved in a job search, can benefit from becoming a member of the board. It’s well worth it for a busy executive or manager to take the time

2024-04-09T18:21:59+00:00November 9th, 2012|Career Management, Personal Marketing|

Career Change Advice to Help You Achieve the Job You’ve Been Dreaming About

Years of college or university, then onto your first full-time job. You may switch companies and advance in your industry. But as the saying goes, change is good, and you are ready for a shift in a completely new direction. Exciting as it is,

2023-10-23T17:09:36+00:00November 1st, 2012|Career Management|

Retained Recruiters: Key Facts Job Seekers Need to Know About this Type of Agency

Working with a recruiter in your job search can be a key strategy to getting the career that you want. Understanding the type of recruiter that you are working with can be vital to ensuring that you are getting not only the job market exposure

2022-10-15T00:49:33+00:00October 12th, 2012|Career Management|

Contingency Recruiters: Key Facts Job Seekers Need to Know About this Type of Agency

You update your resume. Redo your cover letter. Apply to jobs. Respond to ads on career web sites. But no bites – not even a nibble! Maybe it’s time to consider contacting one or more contingency recruiters, also known as headhunters, to kick start your

2022-10-15T00:49:34+00:00October 10th, 2012|Career Management|

Networking Skills That Will Help You Win Your Next Job

There are many skills that you need to land that next job – organizational skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, technical skills to use sites such as Linkedin, storytelling skills, and even writing skills (unless you have made a smart investment in yourself and hired

2023-07-22T14:59:36+00:00August 31st, 2012|Job Search Networking|

Guaranteed Ways To Get You Motivated and Moving To Land A Job Faster

You get up, go to work, push around some papers, go to lunch, attend some meetings, then go home. Do it all again the next day. Five days a week. You realize that you need something else in your work life, something to inspire

2023-10-23T17:06:08+00:00August 13th, 2012|Career Management, Job Search Advice|

Essentials That You Must Know to Ace the Interview

A great cover letter, recommendation, or resume might get you in the door for your dream job, but it’s the interview that will keep you there.  A prospective employer wants to know that you are not only qualified but that you’re a great candidate

2023-10-23T17:00:54+00:00August 2nd, 2012|Job Search Interviewing|

Bad Habits That Make Your Job Search Harder Than It Needs to Be

You want that new job, you need that new job…but you don’t have it yet. While the state of the economy and your industry are certainly factors that determine the ease or difficulty of your job search, sometimes the issue lies a little closer to home.

2023-10-23T17:09:34+00:00June 25th, 2012|Job Search Advice|
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